A Plan for the Democratic Party

A Plan for the Democratic Party

Until the votes are cast and counted, no one, no matter how smart or well-connected, can predict with certainty the outcome of the 2012 elections. And yet, Democrats and some Republicans are already forecasting that President Barack Obama will win re-election, and...
Declaration of War

Declaration of War

Republican lawmakers have declared war on the presidency. Not so odd, perhaps, given their recent record. But the leader they’re targeting this time is Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor is clearly going to be the party’s candidate....
The Rich are Profiting Like It’s 1929

The Rich are Profiting Like It’s 1929

No wonder the American people are confused — about the economy, the nation, the Middle East, the onrushing election, and everything else. People keep feeding them bad information. For example, how many times have you heard a commentator say that the mess in...