An Unprecedented Attack from Polluters

As a new mother, it breaks my heart when I hear stories from parents who are struggling with their kids’ health problems. I know parents who live in fear of their child’s next asthma attack. Some can’t even let their kids play outside when local air...
Civil War and the Safety Net

Civil War and the Safety Net

With this year marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, get ready for grand pontificating on its meaning for whites, African-Americans, the nation, and the world. Here’s what it meant for my family. My great-grandfather Albert Cordner was a private in the...

Big Food’s Blame Game

Corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year marketing a dangerous product to America’s children. No one disputes the danger of the product. No one disputes that the marketing successfully convinces millions of kids to use the product. Yet these...

Fatherless Children

You know things aren’t going well when your life story turns into romantic comedies. I guess it beats tragedies, but still… Two of this summer’s hottest films, “The Kids Are Alright” and “The Switch,” involve women who use...