Our Corporate Courts

When corporate executives needed a political favor, they used to run to Congress. Now they can also run to the courthouse. Over the years, corporate chieftains and their political henchmen have steadily ensconced reliable laissez-faire ideologues in hundreds of...

We Must Preserve Health Care Reform

Katie H. in Texas suffers severe seizure-like attacks that last as long as 11 hours, caused by an undiagnosed neuro-developmental disorder. She’s also deaf in one ear, has an eating disorder, and requires daily medication for asthma. In her short life, she has...

Perfect: The Enemy of the Happy

It’s easy to find someone to wish you a Happy New Year. Strangers do it. Even people who don’t like you do it. It’s far more rare is to find someone who will tell you how to achieve it. I am that rare someone. I intend, before this column ends, to...

America the Exceptional

We are the greatest country on earth. If you don’t believe it, just ask us. American “exceptionalism”–the declaration of which produces that warm feeling of knowing there’s nobody as good as you are–is a growth industry these days,...

Denying Health Care to Americans is Un-American

Critical issues demand high levels of dialogue that political debate seldom provides. For instance, the profound legislative step forward of health care reform has been pounded with shallow, misleading attacks. There may be honest questions about plan’s specifics, but...