A Fossil-Fueled Fantasy

A Fossil-Fueled Fantasy

Newfangled carbon-capture power plants supposedly burn coal without poisoning the planet. They don’t. Extracting coal from the ground and disposing of its toxic byproducts makes a dirty mess no matter how it’s burned. But this “clean coal” ruse is conjuring up...
A Free Fruit-for-All

A Free Fruit-for-All

I got back from the airport just in time for the last half hour of Cider Fest, one of the Bloomington Community Orchard’s large public events. This publicly owned and volunteer-run organic orchard occupies a single acre. Entering its fifth year, it has become an...
Legislating Under the Influence

Legislating Under the Influence

It’s all the rage in state legislatures and even in Congress. More than a dozen states are debating proposals to require jobless Americans who receive unemployment benefits to submit to mandatory drug testing. The argument for forcing the unemployed to relieve...