Where Are the Women?

Where Are the Women?

At the exact moment that I’m writing this, the New York Times homepage is displaying stories authored by 35 men — and eight women. And three of those eight articles were coauthored with men. You can find this data at WhoWritesFor, a website that tracks...
Turning Journalism into a Joke

Turning Journalism into a Joke

If you hear someone talking about journalism these days, they’re usually complaining about how the industry is collapsing. Or how terribly biased the media is, one way or the other. But every time the annual White House Correspondents Dinner rolls around, the...
The Truth’s Liberal Tilt

The Truth’s Liberal Tilt

When you ask conservatives for proof of the “liberal media bias” they are so concerned about, you often get a response along the lines of, “The media are liberal because we say so! It’s obvious.” So I was happy to find a case where the...
This Economy Stinks Worse than You Think

This Economy Stinks Worse than You Think

David Kocieniewski just won the Pulitzer Prize for his in-depth reporting on the loopholes that the richest Americans and corporations routinely exploit to minimize their tax bills. Congratulations to him! But most of his counterparts covering economics and business...