Black Women Make History Too

Black Women Make History Too

We celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday in January, and now the country has moved into Black History Month. MLK left an enduring mark on our hearts and souls. But he was part of a team, and the other half of that team — his wife Coretta Scott...

MLK’s Dream in Jeopardy

The world has changed since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his dream on the National Mall in 1963. But this year, during Black History Month, we should remember that King’s messages remain as powerful–and necessary–today. Nearly 43 years after...

Oh, Brother

Perhaps by now we are accustomed to the annual right-wing co-opting of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. Over at FPIF, Mark Engler offers an instructive example from the Pentagon. He quotes DoD’s general counsel Jeh C. Johnson: “I believe that if Dr....

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: A Modern-Day Bull Connor

In April 1963, while confined to jail in Birmingham, Alabama for leading peaceful civil rights demonstrations in what was then considered to be the most segregated city in America, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote an open letter challenging a group of local ministers...
Beck’s Civil Rights Delusion

Beck’s Civil Rights Delusion

It seems to be the season of rallies–tea party rallies, 9/11 rallies, 9/12 rallies, Glenn Beck rallies. I’m all for it; I love rallies. Beck’s was the most controversial and perhaps the biggest. We’ll never know how big. Some estimated it at...