Nobody Needs a Lecture on Morality from Paul Ryan

Nobody Needs a Lecture on Morality from Paul Ryan

For nearly half a century now, America’s middle-class working families have been pummeled by corporate greedmeisters and their political henchmen. Indeed, during the recession, the typical median-income family has lost 40 percent of their wealth. Haven’t...
Cameron Is Cornered

Cameron Is Cornered

It’s said that there’s nothing more vicious than a wild animal that’s cornered. I’d add that there’s nothing more devious than a top corporate or political official caught in a hypocritical scandal. Witness the huge menagerie of political...
Trump’s No Outlier

Trump’s No Outlier

There are those who would have you believe that Donald Trump is an aberration among Republican presidential contenders — the black sheep uncle who shows up half-drunk at family gatherings, insults the guests, scandalizes the women, and otherwise brings dishonor to the...
What’s the Matter with Saying ‘Middle Class’?

What’s the Matter with Saying ‘Middle Class’?

Presidential candidates are getting creative when it comes to describing the middle class, The New York Times reports. Why? Because the middle class in America is shrinking. As a result, the term no longer connotes aspirational, feel-good emotions. Long associated...