A Military Budget on the Wrong Side of History

The Obama administration is scrambling to get on the right side of history. It has a lot of ground to make up. History is mostly judging the United States these days for launching, and now perpetuating, the longest wars in our history. Initially sold as a war to...
Egypt and Reversing the Dominoes of Domination

Egypt and Reversing the Dominoes of Domination

The U.S. policy of policing the world and imposing our will on every aspect of the international system is now tumbling–from Tunisia, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, and onward throughout the Middle East. The domino theory, coined to justify our war in Vietnam,...
Ruled by Rifles

Ruled by Rifles

The Pentagon and the National Rifle Association have a lot in common these days. They’re in love with guns. They maintain powerful lobbies. They refuse to acknowledge the dangerous consequences of their policies. And they’re both on the defensive. After...