Crossing the Lexicon

Osama bin Laden’s demise raises many moral, legal, political, and historical questions. As I’ve edited and posted a steady stream of commentary about this post-9/11 milestone, one persistent editorial question has touched on all these issues. Specifically,...
Making an Exception for Osama bin Laden

Making an Exception for Osama bin Laden

I don’t like to exult in the death of people, not even people I don’t like. I think it’s bad form. I’m making an exception in the case of Osama bin Laden, however. From the point of view of a comfortable middle-class American (which I certainly...
Special Lineup: Osama Bin Laden’s Demise

Special Lineup: Osama Bin Laden’s Demise

The repercussions of Osama bin Laden’s death aren’t going to disappear overnight, but we felt that it made sense to weigh in on the news sooner rather than later. Therefore, OtherWords is running commentaries about the al-Qaeda mastermind’s demise on...

A Generation Exhales with Bin Laden’s Death

The enthusiastic flag-waving. The gaudy red, white, and blue jumpsuits, the booming chants of “USA, USA, USA.” The huge crowd of jubilant young people gathered outside the White House, celebrating Osama bin Laden’s death. Is it right to celebrate the...