Ryan’s Medicare Hot Air

Ryan’s Medicare Hot Air

There’s a scary graph in Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan’s new budget blueprint that shows the federal government’s “unfunded promises” rising from $76.4 trillion in 2010 to $99.6 trillion in 2011. That’s $23.2 trillion in just one year....
How the Government Can Save $2 Trillion

How the Government Can Save $2 Trillion

This summer, members of Congress are threatening to shut down the federal government or block efforts to raise the limit on how much the U.S. government can borrow unless lawmakers agree on tough action to cut federal spending. With the budget deficit expanding and...
Tell the People about the People’s Budget

Tell the People about the People’s Budget

If you listen to the pundits and TV commentators, the federal budget problem has a simple solution: cuts, cuts, and more cuts. They cheer politicians for making “tough choices,” which usually entails taking money away from schools, stiffing public workers,...
The GOP’s Medicare Lies

The GOP’s Medicare Lies

In an astonishing observation, Rep. Paul Ryan recently declared: “Washington has not been honest with you.” Gosh, Paul, that possibility never occurred to us! What makes the Wisconsin lawmaker’s observation astonishing is the fact that he is...