The Lineup: Week of July 12-18, 2010

Here’s what you’ll find in the latest OtherWords editorial package, which features an op-ed by Karen Dolan and a cartoon by Khalil Bendib about the congressional failure to extend unemployment benefits. In his weekly column, Donald Kaul channels how other...

No Drama, Not Even Angry

The BP oil disaster has been a divisive issue, but on one thing we’re all pretty much agreed: President Obama doesn’t give good mad. For week after week, critics from Sarah Palin to James Carville have been exhorting him to lose it, to scream and yell and...

Keep Grant on the $50 Bill

There’s yet another movement afoot to put Ronald Reagan’s face on the $50 bill, replacing that of Ulysses S. Grant. A number of Republicans in Congress have been beating the drums in support of the idea. “One decade into the 21st century, it’s...