Washing Our Hands of Toxins

Washing Our Hands of Toxins

Some people love to hate government regulations. Many believe they’re just bureaucratic barriers that waste our time. But the Food and Drug Administration just passed a new regulation that’ll actually protect us, and may save you a few bucks and an...
Federal Marijuana Laws Reek of Hy-Pot-Crisy

Federal Marijuana Laws Reek of Hy-Pot-Crisy

For a few brief months, it looked like America might take a step closer to sanity. And then came the news: the Obama administration will not loosen federal restrictions on marijuana after all. Before delving into the issue of marijuana, consider its two fellow...
There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Free Market’

There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Free Market’

The debates leading up to the election this year will no doubt invoke the “American value” of capitalism. But what, exactly, does that mean? And what should it mean? I’m no economist, but I took a few economics courses while earning an undergraduate...
Is This New Reform a Toxic Waste?

Is This New Reform a Toxic Waste?

There should’ve been an overhaul in how we regulate toxic chemicals years ago. Like when the 2010 President’s Cancer Panel report concluded that babies are now born “pre-polluted.” Or when it came to light that a common flame retardant used in...