The Fight over Reproductive Rights

The Fight over Reproductive Rights

The air is still thick with outrage over President Barack Obama’s attempt to require all employers to provide insurance coverage for people who desire (or need) birth control. Catholic bishops and their fellow travelers exploded in righteous indignation over a...

Defending the Ballot Box

The 2008 election was a hopeful one for African Americans in our democracy — not because of who was elected, but because of who turned out to vote. We voted at a nearly identical rate to our white neighbors for the first time in U.S. history. In fact,...
At Peace with Christmas

At Peace with Christmas

It’s now officially too late to do your Christmas shopping early. That’s OK. Doing your Christmas shopping late counts too. Remember, it’s not the thought behind the gift that counts; it’s what you spend on it. Oh, I imagine you Xmasologists...
The OMG Congress

The OMG Congress

You can tell politicians are getting nervous. They’re playing the “In God We Trust” card again. You’d think that card’s all but worn out — Congress did, after all, make the slogan the nation’s official motto in 1956 —...