Corporations Score another Supreme Court Victory

Corporations Score another Supreme Court Victory

As a physician, I find it very odd that the debate over the Affordable Care Act has focused on the effect the law will have on the presidential election rather than the impact it will have on patients, health professionals, and health outcomes. The Supreme Court case...
Save Austerity Measures for the Next Boom

Save Austerity Measures for the Next Boom

There are two competing theories on how to pull us out of the economic slump we’re in, but you’d hardly know it from the debate going on in Washington. Conservatives, who want us to cut our way to prosperity, keep drowning out those who think we should be...
Pentagon Spending Spree

Pentagon Spending Spree

Are you wondering where your tax dollars are going? Then take a look at the $642.5 billion stuffed into the National Defense Authorization Act, which the House of Representatives recently approved. House Republicans may spout plenty of concern about the nation’s...
Crushing College Dreams

Crushing College Dreams

As graduation season swings into high gear, a new economic crisis confronts thousands of this year’s high school and college grads — crushing college student loan debt. America’s student loan debt recently reached the $1-trillion mark. That’s...