This Week in OtherWords: April 9, 2014

This Week in OtherWords: April 9, 2014

This week, we’re running our annual OtherWords Tax Day special edition. Chuck Collins and Bob Lord explain how billionaires are bypassing the estate tax and what’s wrong with that. Jim Hightower and cartoonist Khalil Bendib skewer Caterpillar Inc. for an...
WhatsApp with the Estate Tax?

WhatsApp with the Estate Tax?

What does Facebook’s recent purchase of WhatsApp have to do with the estate tax? Actually, a good bit, if you’re concerned about America’s concentration of wealth. Why? Because an economy needs effective checks and balances. A tax on inherited...
Close the Paris Hilton Loophole

Close the Paris Hilton Loophole

If our leaders want to balance the budget, here’s a suggestion: Congress can scrap a new “Paris Hilton” giveaway that’s draining billions of federal tax dollars. This giveaway takes the form of a complex tax loophole designed to circumvent the...
Behind the GOP’s Unhealthy Attack

Behind the GOP’s Unhealthy Attack

To borrow a cute term William Safire penned for Spiro Agnew, the “nattering nabobs of negativism” carrying on about the evils of the Affordable Care Act aren’t going to roll back the health insurance overhaul they like to deride as...