Walmart’s Arrogance

Walmart’s Arrogance

The New York Times recentlydropped a bombshell about Walmart, the world’s largest retailer and biggest private U.S. employer. The Times revealed that in 2005, an internal Walmart investigation found evidence that its rapidly growing Mexican affiliate had...
The 10 Greediest Americans of 2011

The 10 Greediest Americans of 2011

You don’t have to make millions to rate as an all-star greedster. You do have to be ruthless, self-absorbed, and insensitive to others. Here’s my list of the 10 greediest Americans of 2011. 10. Michael T. Duke, Wal-Mart CEO Duke takes home his millions —...
Big Corporation, Tiny Heart

Big Corporation, Tiny Heart

How small can a giant corporation get? I don’t mean in size, but in spirit. Once again, America’s biggest commercial empire — Walmart — is displaying its incredibly shriveled ethical center by whacking the already meager health care benefits...