America’s Construction Carnage

America’s Construction Carnage

Try this the next time you find yourself standing on a Wall Street corner. Ask the first power suit you see why Wall Street’s finest deserve to be making $25 billion in bonuses a year. Wall Streeters actually have a ready response for impertinent questions like this:...
Who Voted for Wall Street?

Who Voted for Wall Street?

During the campaign, Donald Trump said he wanted to fix our rigged economic system. And we can’t do that, he said, by counting on the people who rigged it in the first place. He talked a big game about Wall Street and the big banks. He repeatedly called out...
Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

In one of Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries, the key clue that solved the whodunit wasn’t something that happened, but something that didn’t — specifically, a dog that didn’t bark. That plot fits one of the great mysteries of this year’s...
Presidential Politics and CEO Pay

Presidential Politics and CEO Pay

Politicians love to beat up on overpaid CEOs. In the wake of the 2008 financial crash, Republican presidential candidate John McCain lashed out at executives of bailed-out banks, calling for their pay to be cut to the salary level of the President of the United...
Taking Back Our Finance System

Taking Back Our Finance System

Instead of griping about the greedheads of Wall Street and the rip-off financial system they’ve hung around our necks, why don’t we Take On Wall Street? That’s both the name and the feisty attitude of a nationwide campaign that a coalition of grassroots groups has...