This week, OtherWords features a column by Sam Pizzigati and Scott Klinger that explains how American taxpayers are subsidizing runaway CEO pay. As always, I encourage you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter and visit our blog. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Fix the Minimum Wage / Elizabeth Rose
    Americans who work hard should be able to make a living.
  2. Washington, Are You Listening? / Mattea Kramer
    The Bush tax cuts siphon off money that could fund education and other crucial programs.
  3. Avoiding a 21st-Century Dust Bowl / Jim Harkness
    We need a Farm Bill that plants the seeds of resilience.
  4. David Barton’s Make-Believe Version of American History / Mark Potok
    Despite the fact that he has no academic training in history or related fields at all, Barton has become the go-to man for much of the religious far right.
  5. We’re All Subsidizing Free Lunches for America’s CEOs / Scott Klinger and Sam Pizzigati
    It’s time to close the tax loopholes that subsidize runaway executive compensation.
  6. Romney Runs away from his Running Mate / Jim Hightower
    If they were honest with voters, their bumper sticker would read: “Ryan-Romney 2012.”
  7. Oh, Just Call Them Terrorists / William A. Collins
    Sooner or later, if citizens are going to support further wars and impingements on their own civil liberties, they need red meat.
  8. Belt-Tightening Time / Khalil Bendib (cartoon)
Belt-Tightening Time, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Belt-Tightening Time, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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