This Week in OtherWords: July 30, 2014

This Week in OtherWords: July 30, 2014

This week in OtherWords, Phyllis Bennis weighs in on the carnage in Gaza and Peter Hart rebuts a common conservative storyline by showing how President Obama hasn’t retreated from using military force. Do you want to make sure you don’t miss the latest from...
Violating International Law in Gaza

Violating International Law in Gaza

As Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip rages on, ceasefires come and go. Most last just long enough for Palestinians to dig out the dead from beneath their collapsed houses, get the injured to overcrowded and under-resourced hospitals, and seek enough food and...
Obama’s Mythical Retreat from Military Force

Obama’s Mythical Retreat from Military Force

Here’s a thought: The Iraq War boosters who enthusiastically promoted the idea that a violent invasion would deliver a stable democracy should keep their opinions about the next U.S. war to themselves. For many pundits and (mostly) Republican politicians, the...
The NFL’s Drugs vs Thugs Double Standard

The NFL’s Drugs vs Thugs Double Standard

The NFL’s stance on illegal drugs is clear. If you’re caught possessing or using them, you’ve automatically earned yourself a suspension. Consider Arizona Cardinals linebacker Daryl Washington’s case. He lost his entire 2014 salary of $2.9...
This Week in OtherWords: July 30, 2014

Making the World Safe for Trust Fund Babies

Real wages have stagnated for decades. Homeownership rates are down. College debt is weighing down young people entering the workforce. Millions of low-wage workers eke by on a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. As the American Dream slips away for millions of people in...