Trying a Fossil Fiend

Trying a Fossil Fiend

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders wants the Justice Department to investigate and potentially prosecute ExxonMobil for corporate fraud. The Vermont senator is alarmed by reports that the energy giant spread doubt about climate change despite knowing since 1977 that...
Don’t Let Them Blind You with Their Science

Don’t Let Them Blind You with Their Science

When I first began researching agriculture, I had no idea how organic farming worked. I saw it as a somewhat backward yet non-toxic and desirable way to grow food. Organic farmers didn’t use fertilizer, I figured, so maybe the plants would be smaller. And they didn’t...
Staffing Up for Corruption

Staffing Up for Corruption

Oh, great — just what America’s Big Money politics needed: more campaign consultants. Already, candidates are walled off from people, reality, and any honesty about themselves by a battalion of highly specialized consultants controlling everything from issues to...