Afghanistan’s Fool’s Gold

Here’s some free advice: Never buy shares in a goldmine from a guy operating out of a house trailer. Likewise, never buy a story from the Pentagon about an incredible discovery of gold in Afghanistan. From out of nowhere, a recent news report excitedly tells us...

Bombs Bursting in Air

War is hellFor those who fight;For those at home,It may excite. War has always boasted adherents. Think of the Kaiser, Ghengis Khan, Alexander, Hitler, Darius, Charlemagne, Stalin, etc. America’s foremost cheerleader was Teddy Roosevelt. He made no bones about...

Let’s Sit Down and Talk with Iran

As this summer’s temperatures climb, pressure on Iran is heating up. For years now, Iran has claimed that its nuclear program is peaceful and only designed to generate electricity. But the international community has been skeptical. The United Nations, the...
We’ve Got to Get out of There

We’ve Got to Get out of There

Pretty much everyone (outside of the nutty “he’s the Antichrist” coalition) thinks President Barack Obama did the right thing in firing his Afghanistan commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Unfortunately, he did it for the wrong reasons. McChrystal got...

The Lineup: Week of July 5-12, 2010

Here’s what you’ll find in the latest OtherWords editorial package, which features a Donald Kaul column and Khalil Bendib cartoon on the futility of the Afghanistan War and an op-ed about the “passion investments” of the how the ultra-rich....