Outrage over the Trump administration’s family separation policy has reached a fever pitch, leading to early reports that Trump himself may soon sign an order agreeing to end it — which would be a major victory for movements that have mobilized to stop the disturbing practice.

Recently in OtherWords, I wrote that warehouses — for children — have replaced the wall as the administration’s immigration infrastructure of choice. This week, Jill Richardson reports on the trauma likely to follow these kids around for years.

Despite it all, there are still some celebrations. This week marks Juneteenth, commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. But, as Jessicah Pierre notes, millions of Americans remain confined. June also marks Pride Month for the LGBTQ community. Robin Carver writes this week about why those pride parades are so necessary.

Rounding out us, Brian Wakamo explains how we can make farm subsidies work better for farmers and consumers. Jim Hightower says the Koch brothers have their top man in U.S. foreign policy. And Khalil Bendib wonders why this “law and order” president always appears so unlawful and disorderly.

PS. We have a beautiful new website, built by my colleague Dominique Hernandez and designed by my colleague Kenneth Worles, Jr. And a new newsletter template to match! We’ll still be fine-tuning over the new few weeks, but feel free to drop us a line at otherwords@ips-dc.org with any reactions.

New This Week

Immigrant Kids Are Suffering Trauma That Will Last Years / Jill Richardson
I know firsthand how childhood trauma follows you your whole life. What’s happening to kids on the border is even worse.

Celebrating the End of Slavery — with One Big Asterisk / Jessicah Pierre
Juneteenth marks the end of slavery in America. But with over 2 million of us behind bars, has it really ended — or just transformed?

Why We Still Need Pride Parades / Robin Carver
Pride parades are safe spaces in a country where LGBTQ people can be harassed, fired, and denied housing or even medical care.

We Subsidize the Wrong Kind of Agriculture / Brian Wakamo
We should be supporting the small farmers who sell at farmers markets, not the corporate giants that hurt our health and environment.

Big Oil’s Man in Foreign Policy / Jim Hightower
The Koch brothers are really getting their money’s worth from Trump’s secretary of state.

Your ‘Law and Order’ President / Khalil Bendib
… And your unlawful, disorderly president.

In Case You Missed It

My Fast Food Nightmare / Tanya Harrell
40 percent of women fast-food workers have been sexually harassed at work. I was one — and McDonald’s did nothing about it.

The Truth About ‘Sanctuary Cities’ / Lizet Ocampo
Keeping local police out of the deportation business actually means safer communities.

Back When College Was Debt-Free / Josh Hoxie
America’s largest state once offered residents a world-class, debt-free college education. It could again, and so could your state.

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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies and the editor of OtherWords.org.

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