In the first presidential debate of 2016, Hillary Clinton was quick to bring up that “small” million-dollar loan Donald Trump borrowed from his father. And Trump, predictably, stood by his business acumen while understating the advantage of inheriting his father’s assets.

This is what Chuck Collins calls being “born on third base,” while claiming you hit a triple. And Trump’s not the first to lean into this misleading narrative.

Meanwhile, Clinton’s disappointing response on her support of corporate-friendly trade deals leaves Peter Certo asking how anyone can trust her to block the TPP.

Also this week in OtherWords, Jim Hightower reveals Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s political trick: illegal campaign contributions from corporate donors including Trump, the Koch brothers, and Home Depot.

Finally, New Economy Maryland fellow Kareen Currey remembers the ridicule of her brother’s freedom in the wake of more police killings of black men. And while deaths from shootings pile up, Khalil Bendib shows us what’s distracting the media attention.


The True Threat, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib.

  1. Clinton’s Surprising Debate Stumble on Trade / Peter Certo
    Bad trade deals created the social rot Trump is exploiting today. Why does Hillary defend them?
  2. Trump Was Born on Third Base / Chuck Collins
    The stories politicians tell about their successes matter — including the ones they omit.
  3. Black Youth and Elusive Freedom / Kareen Currey
    As I weep over the death of America’s black men, I remember my brother’s struggle for his freedom against unnecessary police searches.
  4. Scott Walker’s Political Magic / Jim Hightower
    Corporate cash — flowing from Home Depot to Donald Trump — funded the governor’s campaign to victory, despite public opinion.
  5. The True Threat / Khalil Bendib
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Domenica Ghanem

Domenica Ghanem is the OtherWords coordinator.

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