A New Education Debate

A New Education Debate

You may have seen stories about the poor quality of Washington, D.C.’s public schools. You probably have also heard about how Michelle Rhee was brought from near-obscurity to take over the city’s schools, overnight becoming a national symbol of dramatic...
Shameless Bipartisanship

Shameless Bipartisanship

A quick Google search of “politicians are” returns the following four suggestions: like diapers, sociopaths, the lowest form of life, and liars. A recent Public Policy Polling study found politicians to be less popular than the conqueror Genghis Khan or...
Close the Gun Show Loophole

Close the Gun Show Loophole

Dozens of Americans will be murdered, hundreds of others will be shot, and nearly 1,000 will be robbed or assaulted with a gun — today. The United States has some of the weakest gun laws in the world. To make us, our families, and our communities safer, we need to...
Let’s Pay Our Bills

Let’s Pay Our Bills

Sometimes when I get a bill I don’t feel like paying it. But I do, because I’m a responsible adult. If I don’t pay my bills, I get in trouble. It’s true for a family and for a government. Republicans in Congress are creating another...
Social Security: It Ain’t Broke

Social Security: It Ain’t Broke

Social Security is more popular than sliced bread. And it should be. Our Social Security system is the foundation of our families’ security: We work hard and pay into it with every paycheck so each of us can retire with dignity. Social Security is a basic part...