Narcissists Gone Wild!

Narcissists Gone Wild!

Narcissists don’t happen to be particularly nice people. They preen. They grab. And they never ever really feel our pain. Extremely self-centered people, some fascinating new business school research shows, also don’t make for particularly effective...

This Week in OtherWords: July 16, 2014

This week in OtherWords, William A. Collins and I discuss the growing support for legal marijuana and Bob Lord points out that a single hedge fund manager makes about the same amount of money in a year as all the inhabitants of Springfield, Ohio. Do you want to make...
The Latest Crack in Our Broken Immigration System

The Latest Crack in Our Broken Immigration System

In a bustling room at the Third Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico a group of white and Latino parishioners gathered for a workshop on immigration. They wanted to learn more about the issue. Julio Alvarez, a Mexican immigrant, was there to answer their...
Worth More: One Man or an Entire City?

Worth More: One Man or an Entire City?

A population of 100,000 is substantial. Five states don’t even have one metropolis that large. Some cities that size, like Fargo, North Dakota, are their state’s biggest. Others, like Lansing, Michigan, are state capitals. About 100,000 people live in...