Letters to the Editor: Antibiotics, Jobs, War, and God

In response to The War on Antibiotics by Ben Lilliston, “bystander” quipped on Common Dreams, a great website with a very active commenting community that ran this OtherWords op-ed, “You discount the advantages of this. Next time you are sick, just...

Private Broadcasting Service

PBS, which has often refused to broadcast films it deemed to be suffering from conflicts of interest, is now distributing a work that violates its own policies, according to the media watchdog Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). PBS is running in three...

The Lineup: Week of July 12-18, 2010

Here’s what you’ll find in the latest OtherWords editorial package, which features an op-ed by Karen Dolan and a cartoon by Khalil Bendib about the congressional failure to extend unemployment benefits. In his weekly column, Donald Kaul channels how other...

Immigrants Don’t Hog Farm Jobs

United Farm Workers members clearly have a sense of humor. Their “take our jobs” campaign invites and actually recruits the nation’s citizens and legal immigrants (including those who blame undocumented workers for America’s high unemployment...

Atrazine on the Rocks? No Thanks

Let’s see. If a potentially toxic weedkiller were polluting your drinking water, would you want the EPA to ignore independent studies about this or prefer that the agency just follow reports carried out with funding from companies that have a financial stake in...