Anti-American Budget Cuts

Anti-American Budget Cuts

Families across the country recently celebrated the Fourth of July like they always do: with annual beach trips, barbecues, baseball games, and fireworks. But one of my favorite local traditions was canceled, courtesy of Congress. Every year on the Fourth, without...
This Week in OtherWords: July 10, 2013

This Week in OtherWords: July 10, 2013

This week in OtherWords, we’re highlighting the debate over the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons policy, with op-eds by Peter Weiss and James C. Lewis and a cartoon by Khalil Bendib. If you haven’t already subscribed to our weekly newsletter,...
The People ‘Hijack’ Democracy in Austin

The People ‘Hijack’ Democracy in Austin

Who should make medical decisions about pregnancies? Women? Their doctors? Their ministers? The macho Republican autocrats and theocrats who control the Texas state government say they are the ones to decide such deeply personal matters. How embarrassing for these...
This Week in OtherWords: July 3, 2013

This Week in OtherWords: July 3, 2013

This week in OtherWords, Sam Pizzigati celebrates Independence Day by explaining how reducing economic inequality in America would honor the Founders’ legacy. Jill Richardson talks about how you can enjoy the best produce summer has to offer all year round if...