Bracing for an Attack by Veterans

Bracing for an Attack by Veterans

From 1776 forward, Americans have opposed having soldiers do police work on our soil. But in recent years, Pentagon chiefs have teamed up with police chiefs to circumvent that prohibition. How? By militarizing police departments. Through the little-known...
The NRA’s Accidental Brush with Sanity

The NRA’s Accidental Brush with Sanity

Whoa, that was close. The National Rifle Association nearly shot itself in the foot recently with a common-sense editorial it posted online. The group of rootin’-tootin,’ bullet-spittin,’ doctrinaire, guns-everywhere extremists finally saw something...
Jilting My Sugar

Jilting My Sugar

A cartoon drawn by Marty Bucella going around Facebook these days depicts an overweight man on a scale with his doctor. “No, it’s not water,” the doctor says. “You seem to be retaining food.” That was me. Yes, it’s true, I write...
Hamster-Wheel Economics 101

Hamster-Wheel Economics 101

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew comes across as somewhat optimistic about the rather lackluster national economy. “Evidence continues to mount that our economy is gaining traction,” Lew recently said. “Nevertheless, we cannot escape the fact that...