A Healthy Way to Build Communities

A Healthy Way to Build Communities

Mark Winne, an author and anti-hunger activist, often says that the most important word in “community garden” isn’t “garden.” I saw this firsthand not long ago. Standing in the sun between several small garden plots all morning, it may not have looked like much...
Sanders Proves the Pundits Wrong

Sanders Proves the Pundits Wrong

The problem with applying conventional wisdom to political campaigns is that it can suddenly be upended by an unconventional campaign. National media pundits have been riveted by Donald Trump’s flagrantly narcissistic run for the Republican presidential...
The Year of Trump

The Year of Trump

Is 2015 over yet? Is it safe to come out now? What a bummer. Mass shootings, cops using unarmed civilians for target practice, the Middle East in rubble, terrorist attacks, Donald Trump. Trump wasn’t the worst of it, perhaps. But he certainly was the most irritating....
We Shouldn’t Take Their Oil

We Shouldn’t Take Their Oil

Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign ad pledges to “take their oil.” That’s what President (gasp) Trump would do after having “quickly cut the head off the Islamic State,” says the deep-voiced narrator. Along with political decapitation, there are many...
Outrage in Oregon

Outrage in Oregon

The armed men occupying an isolated federal building in a remote Oregon bird sanctuary say they won’t leave until the federal government stops its “tyranny.” Yet it’s not clear what that tyranny is, exactly. One of the group’s leaders is Ammon...