My Novel (Accidentally) Predicted Trump

My Novel (Accidentally) Predicted Trump

It’s terrifying when your dystopian nightmares begin to come true. Donald Trump is consolidating a circle of extremist advisers. Hardline restrictions on immigration are going up, regulations on Wall Street are tumbling down, and ordinary Americans can no longer agree...
The Best Education Our Money Can Buy

The Best Education Our Money Can Buy

Most of us know folks who owe everything they have in life to education. That explains, I suspect, why we nod in agreement whenever we hear somebody describe education as the ultimate antidote to inequality. Education certainly can serve as a brake on our widening...
The Hunt for Black Family History

The Hunt for Black Family History

Maybe you’ve seen those commercials pushing Americans to “discover their stories” by digging into their family histories. Millions of Americans find meaning from these searches. My mom’s one of them. She’s doing a deep dive...
Cities Can Fight Federal Crackdowns

Cities Can Fight Federal Crackdowns

Shortly after Donald Trump’s order to ban thousands of documented, vetted immigrants and refugees from our shores, crowds rushed to airports all over the country to protect those who’d just arrived. Soon after, crowds in Phoenix and other cities surrounded...