South Carolina on my Mind

South Carolina on my Mind

Yet another Republican ABM (Anybody But Mitt) candidate has experienced failure to launch. The Newt Gingrich rocket that seemed oh-so-formidable just a few weeks ago didn’t survive an avalanche of negative ads financed by stealth Romney money in Iowa. It crashed...

Fumbling Foreign Policy

From Mitt Romney’s juvenile $10,000 bet with Rick Perry to Ron Paul’s declaration that death by untreated illnesses is “what freedom is all about,” the Republican presidential candidates haven’t missed an opportunity to sound off-base and...

High Stakes for Immigration

Mariela Obregon Chavarria hoped to return to her native country of Nicaragua one day, but arriving in handcuffs and escorted by security officers wasn’t what she had in mind. After seven years living and working in the United States, Mariela was arrested and...
Disenfranchising Voters is Un-American

Disenfranchising Voters is Un-American

Love my voting, Makes me grin; But these new rules, Won’t let me in. You may not realize just what depths the Republican Party has been plumbing to regain the presidency next year. By now it should be plain that its contingent in Congress has steadily voted to...

Reading Frog Entrails

The Iowa caucuses may be over by the time you read this. But it doesn’t matter. The caucuses are the second-most fraudulent event on the nation’s political calendar. The first, of course, is the Ames Straw Poll. It’s entirely meaningless, but...