Who Voted for Wall Street?

Who Voted for Wall Street?

During the campaign, Donald Trump said he wanted to fix our rigged economic system. And we can’t do that, he said, by counting on the people who rigged it in the first place. He talked a big game about Wall Street and the big banks. He repeatedly called out...

For Sale: Obscene Monuments to Mammon

The uber-rich like to collect trophies as proof of their unsurpassed uberness. These aren’t like the tacky brass trophy you won in a bowling tournament. No, no — global ultra-billionaires compete ferociously with each other in their extreme wealth games to have the...
A Big Fat Radioactive Lie

A Big Fat Radioactive Lie

Not long ago, no billionaire worth his cufflinks would be caught dead without hurling bales of money at our nation’s educational system. They bankrolled charter schools, high-stakes testing, and the splintering of big high schools into smaller academies. Their failure...