The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind

The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind

Oil and coal Pollute the land, But burning them Brings profits grand. There’s money to be made in wind and solar power, but so far, not very much. And that’s the way fossil fuel giants aim to keep it. As of today, they’re winning the energy battle...
Fracking our Thanksgiving Feast

Fracking our Thanksgiving Feast

My family has raised dairy cows on our farm in Monroe County near Kendall, Wisconsin, for almost 150 years. We’ve weathered the Great Depression, low milk prices, droughts, floods, and snowstorms. Despite difficulties, the dairy and related industries generate...
Fracking Liars

Fracking Liars

As they drill for quick corporate profits deep inside our Earth, ExxonMobil, Halliburton, and other titans of the natural gas hydraulic fracturing industry are harming people’s health, the environment, and local economies across the country. They’re also...
Fracking Exports

Fracking Exports

In recent years, the natural gas industry has plunged deeper and deeper into the reckless practice of “fracking,” putting communities nationwide at risk of dirty, dangerous pollution and practices that are exempt from many clean air and water laws. Now gas...
Healing Mother Nature’s Wounds

Healing Mother Nature’s Wounds

Nature’s on A downward path, Save her with Some voter wrath. America’s rare environmental victories often earn headlines. They might involve the successful blocking of a dangerous pipeline, a new mercury standard for coal, or perhaps the signing of a...