Standing Up to a Theoretical Threat

Standing Up to a Theoretical Threat

Strange things are happening in Washington. In the Senate, Rand Paul, the son of presidential candidate Ron Paul, recently proved himself a chip off the old blockhead by conducting a one-man filibuster. I’m not talking about the namby-pamby...
Big Can Be Beautiful

Big Can Be Beautiful

I have a question: If this is the greatest country in the world, why do we keep acting so dumb? I suppose the sequestration of the federal budget isn’t as dumb as deliberately going over the fiscal cliff, but it’s plenty dumb. Just as the economy was showing signs of...
The GOP’s Pitch-Perfect Platform

The GOP’s Pitch-Perfect Platform

Here’s some unexpected news. It comes from what purports to be an official document of the National Republican Party. And — wow — the policy positions it contains show that party leaders really are serious about coming to their senses and rejecting the far-right...