Oh, Brother

Perhaps by now we are accustomed to the annual right-wing co-opting of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. Over at FPIF, Mark Engler offers an instructive example from the Pentagon. He quotes DoD’s general counsel Jeh C. Johnson: “I believe that if Dr....

Not Much to Celebrate with Obama’s Tax Deal

We enter 2011 with a few more dollars in our paychecks. For about 98 percent of Americans, the extension of Bush tax cuts and the new payroll tax holiday will make it easier for us to afford a gallon, rather than a quart, of milk for our families each month, and to...

GOP: Man of the Year

Time Magazine has its Man of the Year Award; I have mine. There was a bumper crop of candidates this year, a year marked by one bizarre turn of events after another. Who would have imagined, for example, that President Barack Obama, having gotten a commitment from oil...

Denying Health Care to Americans is Un-American

Critical issues demand high levels of dialogue that political debate seldom provides. For instance, the profound legislative step forward of health care reform has been pounded with shallow, misleading attacks. There may be honest questions about plan’s specifics, but...

The Hammer Gets Nailed

For once, I actually agree with something that with Tom DeLay said. The former Republican leader of Congress recently declared in his most somber tone, “The criminalization of politics undermines our very system.” Wow, so true, Tommy. Of course, what I...