Don’t Give Up the Fight

Don’t Give Up the Fight

My social circle was shaken a few days into the new year with an upsetting blog post. A friend I will call Mary is seriously ill. The blogger requested loving messages to her to be sewn into a quilt. This bombshell began a flood of phone calls, emails, and Facebook...
End the Cuban Embargo for Good

End the Cuban Embargo for Good

What did President Barack Obama mean when he declared that Washington will normalize relations with Cuba? Will they become the same as U.S. relations with any other country? Will all Americans be free to travel there? To do business with Cuba? Or will the strict...
Why You Should Meet Your Meat

Why You Should Meet Your Meat

A beloved organic farm in San Diego recently canceled a gourmet dinner it had planned to host. Guests had already paid $150 for a local, organic five-course meal prepared by several top chefs from the region. The dinner was called Death for Food. Whose death for whose...
Cereal Crimes

Cereal Crimes

Remember when “natural” meant things like blue sky, green grass, and food you could trust to be good for you? No more. Thanks to corporate greed, “natural” foods aren’t necessarily wholesome. Even when applied to granola, the term often...