The Swinging Electorate

The Swinging Electorate

It’s official: African Americans are the nation’s most important swing state. Last summer, I predicted that the African American vote would tip the scales in the 2012 election of Barack Obama. My organization, the National Urban League, foresaw a...
Don’t Blame Me if Obama’s Second Term Disappoints

Don’t Blame Me if Obama’s Second Term Disappoints

Lesser evil Ain’t enough, Back someone Who’s got the stuff. It’s hard for me to vote against an incumbent Democratic president — especially after those eight abysmal years with George W. Bush at the helm. Indeed, it seemed unlikely to me that any sentient creature...
The Secessionist Tempest in Texas

The Secessionist Tempest in Texas

Once again, there’s a tempest brewing in the national tea pot. We’re talking secession. Well, some of us are. Actually, very few are — and some of them aren’t too tightly wrapped. There’s now a secession drive in a mess of red states, but...
Name that Foreign Policy Legacy

Name that Foreign Policy Legacy

In re-electing President Barack Obama, voters decisively rejected the Republican version of economic reform. Obama is already angling to use his mandate to solve the nation’s fiscal woes by letting the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the rich. But the election...