Paul Wellstone, We Miss You

Paul Wellstone, We Miss You

Ten years ago today, the two of us were an hour into the first big coalition meeting to oppose the impending U.S. war against Iraq, surrounded by dozens of leaders of a wide array of movements: peace, civil rights, women’s rights, environmentalists, labor,...
George McGovern’s Shining Moment

George McGovern’s Shining Moment

It is eerily fitting that George McGovern’s passing occurred in the final heat of a furious election campaign, precariously balanced between Republocrats and Democlicans, two corporately owned political parties. The corporate media can try to fan the public...
Supremely High Stakes in This Election

Supremely High Stakes in This Election

The rights of working families across America hang in the balance this Election Day. The future of laws protecting working people — our right to safe working conditions, to organize, and to sue employers who have discriminated against us — will depend on...
The Poison Pill of Tax Cuts

The Poison Pill of Tax Cuts

A quiz: Which candidates and presidents said the following? (Answers below.) “To repair the nation’s tax code, marginal rates must be brought down to stimulate entrepreneurship, job creation, and investment.” “We must follow through on the...