Et Tu, Buddhist?

Et Tu, Buddhist?

Throughout the centuries people have killed each other in vast numbers for the very best of reasons — religion. Oh they’ve done it for other reasons too — money, politics, geography, skin color, revolution — but never with more enthusiasm than when the cause was...
In America’s West, Equality Takes a Hit

In America’s West, Equality Takes a Hit

In The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Us Stronger, the landmark 2009 book on the impact of deep economic divides on our daily lives, the surprise societal star — at least for most American readers — turns out to be the state of Utah. On all sorts of measures...
The Fake Thing

The Fake Thing

New rule (as Bill Maher would say): If you make billions of dollars a year selling unhealthy food, you don’t get to tell us to work out. It was one thing when Cookie Monster began telling kids to eat vegetables. Cookie Monster doesn’t earn a living by...
Wall Street’s Fix for Homelessness

Wall Street’s Fix for Homelessness

It’s so great — truly heartwarming — to see billionaires devoting their deepest thoughts to finding solutions for eradicating poverty. For example, I can’t begin to tell you how grateful America’s homeless people are going to be once they hear about...
The Medical-Industrial Complex

The Medical-Industrial Complex

Getting well Takes lots of pluck, With health guys out To make a buck. As the Obama administration struggles to keep rolling out its landmark Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amid partisan squabbling, the shortcomings of American health care are more evident...