This Week in OtherWords: April 30, 2014

This Week in OtherWords: April 30, 2014

This week in OtherWords, Sarah Anderson suggests a way to protect the economy from the hazards of high-frequency trading and William A. Collins and I discuss the resegregation of public schools in light of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the landmark Brown ruling. Do...
The Immigration Waiting Game

The Immigration Waiting Game

The Martinez family’s generosity toward their community harkens back to a bygone era. They’re quick to help their neighbors when they need a hand. They pass warm food and tools to neighbors across the fence as if they were family. Neighborhood kids love...
Buy a Box of Cereal, Waive Your Rights Goodbye

Buy a Box of Cereal, Waive Your Rights Goodbye

Buying a cell phone plan could make you powerless to sue your phone company if it defrauds you. Using a coupon to buy a box of cereal may mean you give up your right to sue if the food is tainted. Checking your grandmother into a nursing home could prevent you from...