Of Course Jeb Bush Would Have Invaded Iraq

Of Course Jeb Bush Would Have Invaded Iraq

Jeb Bush must have set some kind of record for political flip-flopping this month. “Knowing what we know now,” he was asked — that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction, for example — “would you have authorized the invasion” of...
Gouging the Sick

Gouging the Sick

Words can be discombobulating, especially when people twist them to fit concepts that mean the exact opposite of what you think is being said. Consider the current debate in Washington over the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a controversial trade and investment pact...
In OtherWords: May 13, 2015

In OtherWords: May 13, 2015

This week in OtherWords, John Kiriakou calls for an end to impunity for the people responsible for the CIA’s use of torture and Donald Kaul pokes fun at the newfound interest among presidential hopefuls in inequality. Do you want to make sure you don’t miss the...
Subsidizing the Idle Rich While Poor Kids Go Hungry

Subsidizing the Idle Rich While Poor Kids Go Hungry

To hear some politicians tell it, America’s welfare system is facing a grave crisis: Millions of poor people, they say, are idling away their time eating lobster and relaxing on cruises. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, for example, recently signed welfare reform...
Virginia Is for Dirty-Energy Lovers

Virginia Is for Dirty-Energy Lovers

If you live in Virginia and would like to shrink your carbon footprint, here’s what passes for good news: We’re now officially free to ban fracking. For two years, Old Dominion communities weren’t at liberty to prevent that kind of oil and gas drilling. After the...