
Influence Peddler for President

Influence Peddler for President

Mea culpa, I misspoke, my bad. I stand corrected. I have called Newt Gingrich a lobbyist. Apparently, he hates that tag, even though he has indeed gotten very wealthy by taking big bucks from such special interest outfits as IBM, Astra Zeneca, Microsoft, and Siemens in exchange for helping them get favors from federal and state governments.

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The Other 99 Percent: How the U.S. Compares

The Other 99 Percent: How the U.S. Compares

Occupy movements have now sprung up in at least 20 countries, and probably more.  They all speak, in one way or another, for the other 99 percent.  But the other 99 percent means different things in different places.  In some countries, the other 99 percent are truly oppressed.  In others, they manage reasonably well.

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The Rich Don’t Need a Free Ride

Despite popular fascination with the rich and famous, most working people have little understanding of the finances of the wealthy. And the rich use that unfamiliarity to their advantage as they wield their outsized influence over public policy.

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Hardly Working

Hardly Working

Many people know that some 14 million Americans, officially about 9 percent of the nation’s work force, are unemployed. Another 12 million are under-employed. That means they’d like full-time work but can’t get it, or maybe they’re working two or three jobs without benefits in a desperate struggle to make ends meet.

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Cut the Pentagon’s Budget, Make the U.S. Safer

Cut the Pentagon’s Budget, Make the U.S. Safer

Pressured by the need to shrink the federal budget deficit, Congress is insisting that Pentagon spending can’t continue to grow at the galloping rate of the last decade. In response, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Congress in October that he’s planning to cut $450 billion in planned military spending increases.

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