Socking it to the Shareholders

Socking it to the Shareholders

Someone should make a movie about JPMorgan and title it: “Bankers Gone Wild.” Not long ago, America’s biggest Wall Street Empire was hailed as a paragon of financial integrity. Not now. JPMorgan has been assessed record fines of nearly a billion...
Our Road to Elysium

Our Road to Elysium

The Hollywood blockbuster film, Elysium, depicts a polarized Los Angeles in the year 2154. The vast majority of inhabitants live in overpopulated and polluted slums, toiling in grinding poverty. Meanwhile, a wealthy elite live on Elysium, a space station modeled after...
A Golden Rule that Might Chip Away at Inequality

A Golden Rule that Might Chip Away at Inequality

Watching grown men fulminate in public can be unnerving. Michael Piwowar and Daniel Gallagher — two distinctly CEO-friendly members of the federal Securities and Exchange Commission — recently did plenty of fulminating. Piwowar and Gallagher had little choice. They...
The Latest Trend in Trade Secrets

The Latest Trend in Trade Secrets

As our jobs And pay degrade, Moguls smirk And tout “Free Trade” It’s no wonder President Barack Obama refuses to let Americans see those two new trade deals he’s negotiating. Neither the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nor the Transatlantic Trade and...
Operation Secret Loopholes

Operation Secret Loopholes

The federal budget expresses our nation’s values and priorities in numbers. It’s a blueprint for how our elected officials plan to make money and how they plan to spend it. What happens in Washington, D.C. has a profound local impact. About 80 percent of...