Killing Jobs is Bad for Business

Killing Jobs is Bad for Business

Corporate America loves layoffs. No matter the cost to the affected workers, many investors see job cuts as an encouraging sign that CEOs are making the tough decisions necessary to make their company “lean and mean.” It’s striking that CEOs are...

Happy Birthday, Social Security

Social Security, created by FDR in the midst of the Great Depression, recently turned 75. If she were a person, this 75-year-old would probably appreciate the monthly check, which keeps 13 million elderly Americans out of poverty. Myself, I’m several decades...

The Case for Killing Bush’s Tax Cuts for the Rich

Things in Washington these days are beginning to look a lot like Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: Two ghosts from Republican administrations past have risen from political Palookaville to rattle their chains and issue dire warnings to their former colleagues....