Congress Opts to Keep Poisoning Children

Congress Opts to Keep Poisoning Children

Yes, we certainly need to cut unnecessary and frivolous federal spending, because…well, because it’s unnecessary and frivolous. So Congress has targeted unnecessary oil subsidies and frivolous tax giveaways to billionaires, right? Uh…no. Instead,...
Energy: Too Important to Leave to Corporations

Energy: Too Important to Leave to Corporations

Coal and oil, Nukes and gas; All make bucks For the upper class. In some nations, electricity is actually generated and distributed by the government itself. In some countries, oil and gas production benefits everyone, not just CEOs. In my own city, we have two small...

Health Care Q & A

Not all the arguments about the Affordable Care Act take place in the Supreme Court. One major complaint from opponents is that they don’t want the government involved in their health care. I can imagine this conversation with a doctor: Q: Doc, I’m worried...
Ryan’s Medicare Hot Air

Ryan’s Medicare Hot Air

There’s a scary graph in Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan’s new budget blueprint that shows the federal government’s “unfunded promises” rising from $76.4 trillion in 2010 to $99.6 trillion in 2011. That’s $23.2 trillion in just one year....
Greening the Pentagon

Greening the Pentagon

The U.S. military is going green. Don’t take it from me. “[T]he Department of Defenseā€¦the world’s largest consumer of energy, will make one of the largest commitments to clean energy in history,” President Barack Obama declared in this...
Avoiding the Next Arctic Oil Disaster

Avoiding the Next Arctic Oil Disaster

Twenty-three years ago, the Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef and spilled over 11 million gallons of oil into the pristine waters and rich fishing grounds of Alaska’s Prince William Sound. Contaminating 1,500 miles of Alaskan shoreline, it was the largest...