Let’s Protect Children, Not Guns

Let’s Protect Children, Not Guns

The Children’s Defense Fund dedicated our report Protect Children, Not Guns 2012 to the memory of Trayvon Martin and the thousands of other children and teenagers killed by guns in America. Guns killed a total of 5,740 kids in 2008 and 2009, according to the...
Breathing While Black

Breathing While Black

The radical conservative majority of the Supreme Court delivered yet another bizarre opinion the other week. It ruled that police and jail officials can strip search anyone arrested for anything, no matter how minor the violation or how upstanding the suspect. In...
Our Failed Cuba Policy Fixation

Our Failed Cuba Policy Fixation

It’s election season. When they’re not kissing babies or holding staged conversations with average voters at coffee shops, presidential hopefuls will dust off tired arguments about the national security threat posed by Cuba, an island with a population the...
Congress: Listen to Lt. Col. Daniel Davis

Congress: Listen to Lt. Col. Daniel Davis

When Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis returned from his second tour in Afghanistan, he knew that what he’d witnessed firsthand didn’t match the rosy progress reports that top military officials were giving Congress. What Davis decided to do next could be called...
Letter from Kenya: An On-the-Ground Take on Kony 2012

Letter from Kenya: An On-the-Ground Take on Kony 2012

Editor’s note: David Zarembka is the coordinator of the African Great Lakes Initiative (AGLI) of the Friends Peace Teams in Lumakanda, Kenya. He wrote this letter to friends and family in mid-March, after becoming the 79,574,419th person in the world to download...