There Was Nothing Moderate About Trump’s Speech

There Was Nothing Moderate About Trump’s Speech

Donald Trump began this recent speech to Congress with a line seemingly designed to appease his critics. “As we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month,” he said, “we are reminded of our nation’s path toward civil rights...
The Real Danger of Trump’s Alleged ‘Pee Party’

The Real Danger of Trump’s Alleged ‘Pee Party’

The week leading up to the presidential inauguration brought streams, if not floods, of pee jokes. You might even say it was the number one opportunity for scatological humor since the poop cruise of 2013. My heart goes out to parents who have to find an appropriate...
No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes

No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes

While the world has been transfixed on the epic tragedy in Syria, another tragedy — a hidden one — has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from malnutrition, diarrhea, or...
Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Even in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been hard to imagine a bigger bombshell than Russia intervening to help Donald Trump. But that’s exactly what the CIA believes happened, or so unnamed “officials brief on the...
The Pentagon’s $125 Billion Cover-up

The Pentagon’s $125 Billion Cover-up

Let’s say you ask somebody a question. They give you an answer you don’t like, so you pretend you didn’t hear it. Probably all of us would cop to something like this at some time in our imperfect pasts. For most of us though, that pretending hasn’t included...