We’re Watching a Great Depression Re-Run

We’re Watching a Great Depression Re-Run

The philosopher George Santayana wrote: “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” Which is what we’re doing. I thought I’d found an isolated instance of that phenomenon the other day when I ran across quotes on the necessity...
A Wall Street Powerhouse Attorney Talks Sense

A Wall Street Powerhouse Attorney Talks Sense

With April 15 fast approaching, Americans are naturally thinking about taxes. But most of us won’t be thinking about them the same way our forebears once did. Over the past half-century, our nation has witnessed a profound transformation in attitudes toward...
A Recipe for a Sounder Diet

A Recipe for a Sounder Diet

Healthy food is expensive and telling people to eat organic, local food is elitist. Have you heard that argument before? It’s true. Healthy, organic, local food is expensive. Calorie for calorie, you get more for your money at a fast food drive-thru than at a...
Fracking Free Speech

Fracking Free Speech

It’s one thing for Big Oil to bust into our communities, groundwater, and economic well-being with the hydraulic fracturing natural gas boom. Now, in addition to poisoning the environment, this fracking fad is busting the free speech rights of locals who dare to...
Under-Taxing the Rich Is Uncivilized

Under-Taxing the Rich Is Uncivilized

Please don’t fret about paying taxes. They’re your most productive investment. As Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. noted more than a century ago, “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.” Tax cuts may bring some temporary...