America’s Real Job Creators are Broke

As narrators used to say in Western movies: “Meanwhile, back at the ranch…” Our policymakers in Washington have totally lost sight of what’s happening at the ranch. John Boehner’s GOP-controlled House and Barack Obama’s White House...

The Defense Industry Threatens America’s Economy

Weapons are Our biggest threat; For falling deeper Into debt. India has the military-industrial complex all figured out. So does Saudi Arabia. Neither of them has one. Who needs to build weapons when you can simply buy them at a discount elsewhere? Not that anyone...
A Right-Wing Jobs Program for America

A Right-Wing Jobs Program for America

Attention jobless Americans! If you’re among the millions of long-term unemployed people searching in vain for a job, here’s a hot tip: they’re hiring in Wisconsin. There’s one little catch, though, you have to be a Wisconsin jailbird to get...
Shredding the Safety Net

Shredding the Safety Net

America’s wealthy, That’s for sure; Why then pauperize The poor? There’s widespread poverty in America today, though it’s sometimes hard to see how bad it is. Real estate development techniques and zoning rules, plus a healthy dollop of...