A Fast Track to Eroding Our Rights

A Fast Track to Eroding Our Rights

Do you care about having access to local and sustainably produced food or protecting your drinking water? Are you concerned about corporate influence distorting our elections? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should be worried about legislation...
The State of Our Union’s Inequality

The State of Our Union’s Inequality

There’s no doubt that President Barack Obama will make inequality a major theme of his State of the Union address, just as Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in 1935. “We have not weeded out the overprivileged and we have not effectively lifted up the...
First Things First

First Things First

In the four years since the Supreme Court’s infamous Citizens United v. FEC ruling, two things have become abundantly clear. First, we have a major democracy problem. Citizens United paved the way for unlimited corporate spending to distort our elections....
Fast-Tracking Misery

Fast-Tracking Misery

When it comes to trade policy, President Barack Obama is mimicking the same policies he criticized when he served in the Senate. As a presidential candidate, Obama promised to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), recognizing the enormous loss...